This blog was born out of a motivation for introspection which is inspired by several sources of self-knowledge such as certain astrological practices as well as certain Oriental and Western spiritual traditions but also introspective writing. Thus, what is written in this blog is written for ourselves without any intention of teaching or feeling other than exchange and sharing.
We regularly hear people say, become the transformation you want for the world, this is both true and false according to Luc Bigé.
At the beginning of our transformation process we have no idea what it will be, we must let this transformation work, express itself so that it can happen in the world. This is the work of the chrysalis to the caterpillar.
Excerpt from Mercury retrograde, example of interpretation by Luc Bigé.
It seems to us that this is also the case with introspective writing. It represents one of the many transformative expressions on the path of self-knowledge, the "danger" would be to stop, or rather to identify with our "writing" by feeding the mind with information without becoming what we write on paper. We would say that introspective writing represents a way to reorient certain moments of our initiatory journey in order to engage in a more conscious way. It is at best a little help that is worth its weight in gold, depending on the importance we want to give it.
To this, we invite anyone to send us, at the email address below, one or more articles that we will place in the "our post" section of the blog with your name and the contact information of your website or blog.
The articles do not have to be about transpersonal astrology, they can be written on different themes.
In order to contribute to the elevation of our consciousness, we invite you to exchange and share the spiritual dimensions and the tools, methods and techniques with which you feel familiar on the different paths of self-knowledge.
All perceptions and orientations, whether they come from Orient or Western spiritual traditions, African or Amerindian. Whether they are based on a new age or modern vision, whether they are other astrological practices than the one we advocate here, all points of view on these subjects are admitted in this blog without discrimination as long as they respect a certain ethics. To this effect, we ask you to remain benevolent and respectful in the formulation of your articles.
In all friendship, we thank you in advance.
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E-mail address for articles
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